We campaign to improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives.
Our advice is free, independent, confidential and impartial.
We value diversity, promote equality and challenge discrimination.
What we do
We’re an independent charity and part of the Citizens Advice and Law Centre networks across England and Wales. Our main offices are located in the heart of our communities in Harrogate, Malton, Northallerton, Richmond, Scarborough, Selby, Skipton and Whitby. We also have a number of outreach locations that we deliver advice from across North Yorkshire and #WeComeToYou in our Advice Bus and Advice Van.
Our specialist legal advice services cover debt, benefits, fuel poverty and energy, housing, discrimination, immigration and family issues.
Often, people are in crisis by the time they reach out to us, unable to see a way out of the situation they find themselves in. We provide one to one advice to tackle their immediate problem and address any underlying and overlapping issues through specialist one to one advice provided by experienced and qualified advisers and highly skilled volunteers.
We offer advice by telephone, in person and by email.
Each year North Yorkshire Citizens Advice and Law Centre helps around 25,000 people. The people we support are five times more likely to be on low incomes and more than half have a disability or long-term health condition. Last year as a result of our help 88% of people said they could now see a way forward, 83% said that their mental health had improved and 90% would recommend us to family and friends.

Who we work with
We work in partnership with a range of public, private and third sector organisations in our communities including local councils, housing associations, specialist support groups and food banks. By working together, we ensure there’s ‘no wrong door’ for local people, and that they can get the right support at the right time.
We hold the Advice Quality Standard (AQS), are accredited to deliver advice under the Money and Pensions Service Framework and are registered with the Financial Conduct Authority for Debt Advice.