Warm & Well referrals
North Yorkshire Citizens Advice and Law centre is contracted by North Yorkshire Council to deliver Warm & Well in North Yorkshire.
Help is available 24 hours a day on the North Yorkshire Citizens Advice and Law centre Self-help page. This includes help if you are having problems with your energy supply or you are struggling to pay your bills.
If you are able to call us, please call the North Yorkshire Citizens Advice and Law centre Adviceline on freephone 0808 278 7900, Monday to Friday 9.00 am – 4.30pm.
Please help us to ensure we are able to help the people who need us most by using the online support and freephone Adviceline if you can.
You can make a referral to the Warm & Well team for yourself, or on behalf of someone (with their consent), by continuing to our referral form below.
We’re currently experiencing a very high demand for support; we aim to respond within 2 working days, and we’re working hard to respond within these times, please bear with us if this takes a little longer.
Thank you for your support.